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27. Dezember 2024

Angebotskommunikation in Tschechien

Sebastian Mitter
27. Dezember 2024
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Angebotskommunikation in Tschechien

Interview mit Jaroslav Staněk von Česká distribuční

Angebotskommunikation in Tschechien

Interview mit Jaroslav Staněk von Česká distribuční

Im Rah­men der euro­päi­schen Media­ak­ti­vi­tä­ten prä­sen­tiert pro­s­pe­ga regel­mä­ßig span­nen­de Ein­bli­cke in die Märk­te der Ange­bots­kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on. Die­ses Mal führ­te Sebas­ti­an Mit­ter, Chief Mar­ke­ting Offi­cer der pro­s­pe­ga, ein auf­schluss­rei­ches Gespräch mit Jaros­lav Staněk, Mar­ke­ting- und Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­ons­lei­ter bei Čes­ká dis­tri­buční k.s. Das tra­di­ti­ons­rei­che tsche­chi­sche Unter­neh­men, gegrün­det 1991, zählt zu den füh­ren­den Anbie­tern für die Ver­tei­lung von Wer­be­ma­te­ria­li­en an Haus­hal­te. Mit einem brei­ten Ver­triebs­netz­werk und inno­va­ti­ven Ansät­zen prägt Čes­ká dis­tri­buční den Markt für gedruck­te Pro­spekt­ver­tei­lun­gen in Tschechien.

Sebas­ti­an Mit­ter dis­ku­tier­te mit Jaros­lav Staněk über aktu­el­le Her­aus­for­de­run­gen, die die Bran­che in Tsche­chi­en bewe­gen, wie eine geplan­te Recy­cling­ge­bühr für Papier­pro­duk­te und deren mög­li­che Aus­wir­kun­gen. Dabei ging es auch um die Rol­le von Geo­mar­ke­ting, regio­na­le Unter­schie­de in der Akzep­tanz von Pro­spek­ten sowie inno­va­ti­ve Ansät­ze, um die Effi­zi­enz und Nach­hal­tig­keit von Wer­be­kam­pa­gnen zu ver­bes­sern. Das Gespräch lie­fert wert­vol­le Ein­bli­cke für alle, die im Han­dels­mar­ke­ting tätig sind, und zeigt, wie gedruck­te Medi­en trotz fort­schrei­ten­der Digi­ta­li­sie­rung wei­ter­hin eine ent­schei­den­de Rol­le spielen.

Prospega: Blog - Jaroslav Staněk

Jaros­lav Staněk
Mar­ke­ting- und Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­ons­lei­ter
Čes­ká dis­tri­buční k.s.

The Czech government plans to place a new tax on paper products, how will this tax affect your industry sector, in your opinion?

The Czech govern­ment plans to imple­ment a prin­ted leaf­let fee as a part of the amend­ment of the Act on Pack­a­ging. The amend­ment pri­ma­ri­ly focu­ses on returnable PET bot­t­le and can depo­sits, howe­ver, the fee should be appli­ed to other mate­ri­als coll­ec­ted in sor­ted was­te bins as well to com­pen­sa­te for the loss of muni­ci­pal reve­nues from PET bot­t­les and cans was­te trade. Curr­ent­ly, the fee does not app­ly to some of the sor­ted was­te mate­ri­als, inclu­ding prin­ted leaf­lets. The data from the Minis­try of the Envi­ron­ment sta­te that prin­ted leaf­lets con­sti­tu­te up to 14 % of the was­te coll­ec­ted in blue bins.

The part of the amend­ment that spe­ci­fi­cal­ly deals with the prin­ted leaf­lets recy­cling fee stir­red quite a con­tro­ver­sy and a num­ber or orga­niza­ti­ons and asso­cia­ti­ons expres­sed their dis­agree­ment with it. The oppon­ents of this legis­la­ti­on are, among others, the Asso­cia­ti­on of Czech Tra­di­tio­nal Trade, the Asso­cia­ti­on of Small and Medi­um-sized Enter­pri­ses and Crafts of the Czech Repu­blic, the Asso­cia­ti­on of Employ­ers of Peo­p­le with Disa­bi­li­ties, the Czech Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on of Com­mer­ce and Tou­rism as well as the Coun­cil of Seni­or Citi­zens, which had Niel­sen to con­duct a sur­vey in 2024 that shows that up to 77 % of seni­or citi­zens pre­fer prin­ted leaf­lets to online adver­ti­se­ment, and the Asso­cia­ti­on of Prin­ting Entre­pre­neurs – accor­ding to their esti­ma­te, up to 4 000 peo­p­le in the prin­ting sec­tor may lose their job as a result of the recy­cling fee.

Tog­e­ther with the oppon­ents of this legis­la­ti­on, we expect the increased cos­ts of prin­ted adver­ti­se­ment could have two pos­si­ble out­co­mes. The first sce­na­rio counts with the redu­ced amount of prin­ted leaf­lets, which then could result in con­su­mers’ insuf­fi­ci­ent awa­re­ness about the spe­cial offers. This may fur­ther affect the beha­viour of about 70 % of all the Czech con­su­mers who are inte­res­ted in prin­ted offers (as shown by the 2022 and 2023 STEM/MARK sur­veys based on quo­ta sam­pling). The second sce­na­rio invol­ves the increase of pri­ces of goods and ser­vices as a result of increased mar­ke­ting cos­ts. Expert busi­ness­men agree that the addi­tio­nal cos­ts asso­cia­ted with the recy­cling fee will shape the pri­ces of goods and, con­se­quent­ly, nega­tively affect many fami­lies, seni­or citi­zens, eco­no­mic­al­ly vul­nerable groups and others who rely on spe­cial offers adver­ti­sed in prin­ted leaflets.

At the moment, the amend­ment and its even­tu­al imple­men­ta­ti­on are being dis­cus­sed by the Czech government.

As far as the quality and price of leaflet distribution are concerned, what challenges will be the marketing specialists faced with in 2025 in connection with the new legislation?

Accor­ding to the Minis­try of the Envi­ron­ment, the amend­ment of the Act of Pack­a­ging should be set to effect in 2026, but it is likely its intro­duc­tion will be post­po­ned to 2027 – that is, if the legis­la­ti­on pas­ses. If so, the mar­ke­ting spe­cia­lists will be forced to find new ways to cut the expen­ses and focus even more clo­se­ly on tar­ge­ting, so they can make use of this mass medi­um fur­ther and pre­ser­ve the cur­rent scope of their leaf­let cam­paigns. Under the­se cir­cum­s­tances, the eco­no­mic secu­ri­ty and the size of the cli­ents’ busi­ness will be the key fac­tors, as lar­ger busi­nesses might be able to absorb the gro­wing expen­ses bet­ter than small ones. The effi­ci­en­cy of cam­paigns will depend on high-qua­li­ty dis­tri­bu­ti­on and the stra­te­gic use of data much more than before.

I am not worried about the qua­li­ty of our dis­tri­bu­ti­on ser­vices – our com­pa­ny is the dome­stic mar­ket lea­der and has gua­ran­teed dis­tri­bu­ti­on qua­li­ty of 90 % for seve­ral deca­des alre­a­dy and the recy­cling fee would not affect it. It is essen­ti­al to pre­ser­ve this qua­li­ty in the future and also, to deal with the gro­wing demands on tar­ge­ting. It is dif­fi­cult to esti­ma­te the impact of the amend­ment on the pri­ce of dis­tri­bu­ti­on, it is the mini­mum wage that actual­ly defi­nes the run­ning cos­ts and thus affects the pri­ce of distribution.

Under the new cir­cum­s­tances, geo­mar­ke­ting will be the cru­cial mar­ke­ting tool, as it uses the demo­gra­phic and geo­gra­phic data in a way that enables pre­cise tar­ge­ting. Thanks to that, mar­ke­ting spe­cia­lists are able to plan the dis­tri­bu­ti­on in careful­ly sel­ec­ted are­as with gre­at poten­ti­al for the suc­cess of a cam­paign and that way, they are also able to save on the dis­tri­bu­ti­on and prin­ting costs.

When it comes to the distribution to mailboxes, what are the market trends? And do the Czech consumers accept leaflets well today?

Leaf­let dis­tri­bu­ti­on mar­ket trans­for­med con­sider­a­b­ly in the last few years, which reflects not only the exter­nal eco­no­mic fac­tors, but also the chan­ges of the con­su­mer beha­viour. The rest­ric­tions indu­ced by coro­na­vi­rus cri­sis and the con­se­quent ener­gy cri­sis led to the shorta­ges of paper sup­p­ly which then nega­tively affec­ted the acces­si­bi­li­ty of prin­ted adver­ti­se­ment and leaf­let dis­tri­bu­ti­on ser­vices. The rest­ric­tions pre­vai­led in the fol­lo­wing years as well, but the rapid growth rate of the infla­ti­on at the begin­ning of the 2022 chan­ged the situa­ti­on again and the con­su­mers regai­ned their inte­rest in spe­cial deals and offers.

In this mat­ter, we can rely on the data coll­ec­ted in sur­veys: the STEM/MARK sur­vey from 2023 shows that the increased pri­ces of goods and ser­vices moti­va­ted con­su­mers to enga­ge with leaf­lets more: the total num­ber of peo­p­le who read leaf­lets increased by 10 % and one fifth of tho­se, who read them regu­lar­ly, tend to open and read them more often then befo­re, no mat­ter what their age is. The gra­du­al con­so­li­da­ti­on of pri­ces and the fact that paper is available again also moti­va­ted tho­se cli­ents, who had to redu­ce their leaf­let cam­paigns becau­se of the fac­tors dis­cus­sed abo­ve, to return to the market.

Moreo­ver, sur­veys such as “Leaf­let Insight 2024” con­duc­ted by Inco­ming com­pa­ny con­firm that 54 % of con­su­mers pre­fer prin­ted leaf­lets to online adver­ti­se­ment, the data show that the popu­la­ri­ty of prin­ted leaf­lets has not dimi­nis­hed even in the modern era of pro­gres­si­ve digi­tiza­ti­on. STEM/MARK sur­vey also shows that almost 50 % of the respond­ents per­cei­ve prin­ted leaf­lets as the most orga­ni­zed and com­pre­hen­si­ve source of infor­ma­ti­on (43 %) as com­pared to dea­lers’ apps (15 %), news­let­ters and other sources. The­se data docu­ment the Czech con­su­mer beha­viour real­ly well and also accent the effi­ci­en­cy of prin­ted advertisement.

Could you describe the adstop situation in the Czech republic at the moment? How has this phenomenon developed over the last few years? (stop advertisement label on mailboxes)

At the moment, the esti­ma­ted per­cen­ta­ge of adstop, i.e. house­holds that refu­se prin­ted leaf­lets, is about 18 %. This per­cen­ta­ge has fluc­tua­ted over the years by few per cents. The­re are dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween cities and smal­ler muni­ci­pa­li­ties. In the loca­ti­ons we cover, the­re are about 15 % of house­holds regis­tered that have their mail­bo­xes labe­led “stop advertisement”.

The­se figu­res are important not only for our cli­ents, but also for the effec­ti­ve employ­ment of dis­tri­bu­ti­on stra­te­gies. The gro­wing rate of adstop could be unders­tood as a call for dis­tri­bu­ti­on opti­miza­ti­on in con­cre­te loca­ti­ons, or it might signa­li­ze that cus­to­mers should be approa­ched via alter­na­ti­ve chan­nels. Howe­ver, the over­all demand for prin­ted leaf­lets remains high, despi­te the regio­nal varia­ti­on. The total num­ber of peo­p­le who refu­se adver­ti­sing is not based sole­ly on the inte­rest in leaf­lets or the lack of it. The­re are more aspects to it, such as demo­gra­phic fac­tors, socioe­co­no­mic situa­ti­on in a given regi­on or a fami­ly, sea­so­na­li­ty, and also the con­tent and con­cre­te offers in each leaf­let that are defi­ned by clients.

Are there any innovations in the leaflet distribution sector that you plan on introducing to the Czech market?

We have alre­a­dy imple­men­ted a cru­cial inno­va­ti­on suc­cessful­ly here (as com­pared to for­eign mar­kets) – and that is the opti­miza­ti­on of leaf­let dis­tri­bu­ti­on to shel­ves, tables, etc. reser­ved for adver­ti­se­ment. Thanks to this approach, we can deli­ver effec­tively and in the volu­me that cor­re­sponds to the inte­rest in leaf­lets. That way, we help our cli­ents to save money and redu­ce prin­ting cos­ts. Such opti­miza­ti­on is appli­ca­ble in apart­ment blocks whe­re the resi­dents agreed on having the leaf­lets deli­ver­ed in a pile to shel­ves or tables reser­ved for adver­ti­se­ment. Opti­mi­zed dis­tri­bu­ti­on model counts with the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of 60 % of the total num­ber of leaf­lets set for the con­cre­te address point. Opti­mi­zed dis­tri­bu­ti­on helps cut dis­tri­bu­ti­on and prin­ting cos­ts con­sider­a­b­ly, plus it redu­ces the poten­ti­al envi­ron­men­tal impact. The imple­men­ta­ti­on of this par­ti­cu­lar ser­vice was a long-term pro­cess which con­sis­ted of many steps and tests of the opti­miza­ti­on level.

We are also con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping our geor­mar­ke­ting tools which allow us to coll­ect and update data, so we have fresh and up-to-date over­view of the mar­ket, so we can employ and adjust mar­ke­ting stra­te­gies effec­tively accor­ding to the cur­rent needs of our cli­ents. Thanks to the­se inno­va­tions, we can offer our cli­ents very pre­cise tar­ge­ting. Both cli­ents and their cus­to­mers bene­fit from them. We are also upgrading our mobi­le appli­ca­ti­on that is used main­ly as a dis­tri­bu­ti­on con­trol tool and as an inter­nal modu­le for CEDI, our dis­tri­bu­ti­on manage­ment system.

Prospega - Blog - Angebotskommunikation in Tschechien

What would be your advice to the businessmen who are about to enter the Czech market, especially when it comes to the content of their leaflets and distribution?

For tho­se ente­ring the Czech mar­ket, it is essen­ti­al to employ qua­li­ty geo­mar­ke­ting ana­ly­sis that pro­po­ses opti­miza­ti­on of cos­ts and effec­ti­ve dis­tri­bu­ti­on resour­ce allo­ca­ti­on. Pre­cis­e­ly tar­ge­ted leaf­let dis­tri­bu­ti­on enga­ges tho­se, who are genui­ne­ly inte­res­ted in adver­ti­sed goods or ser­vices, and in that way, maxi­mi­zes the effec­ti­ve­ness of the cam­paign and also helps redu­ce prin­ting and dis­tri­bu­ti­on costs.

It is also very important to use the cur­rent data illus­t­ra­ting the cus­to­mer beha­viour that help under­stand the spe­ci­fic needs of cus­to­mers, respec­ti­ve loca­ti­ons and regi­ons. Qua­li­ty and rele­vant data are key to the geo­mar­ke­ting ana­ly­sis and effec­ti­ve dis­tri­bu­ti­on plan. Effec­ti­ve­ness of the dis­tri­bu­ti­on depends hea­vi­ly on the abili­ty of the busi­ness pro­vi­ders to offer rele­vant data and opti­mal tar­ge­ting. The­r­e­fo­re, I would recom­mend to coll­ect and update data about pre­fe­ren­ces of the cus­to­mers regu­lar­ly and then fol­low with the mar­ket seg­men­ta­ti­on that cor­re­sponds to the cur­rent needs of businesses.

What do you expect to happen on the market in 2025?

As far as dis­tri­bu­ti­on ser­vices and other mar­ke­ting chan­nels are con­cer­ned, we expect that the model of hybrid mar­ke­ting which com­bi­nes prin­ted, digi­tal and clas­sic media, that has been suc­cessful in the last few years, will be deve­lo­ped further.

We also expect that the demand for geo­mar­ke­ting ser­vices will grow ste­adi­ly. A few years ago, the­se tools were used main­ly by lar­ge retail busi­nesses, but today, they are used more fre­quent­ly by midd­le- and small-sized busi­nesses as well. The gro­wing demand for per­so­na­li­zed cam­paigns calls for accu­ra­te and up-to-date cus­to­mer data and that means busi­nesses and dis­tri­bu­ti­on com­pa­nies will have a gre­at oppor­tu­ni­ty to offer even more effec­ti­ve and sus­tainable mar­ke­ting stra­te­gies. The­re is also an added value to it – and not insi­gni­fi­cant: pre­cise tar­ge­ting goes hand in hand with envi­ron­men­tal awareness.

Prospega - Blog - Angebotskommunikation in Tschechien

How could possibly the integration of the digital technology into the printed advertisement (e.g. QR codes or augmented reality) boost Czech leaflet campaigns?

Digi­tal inte­gra­ti­on via tech­no­lo­gies such as QR codes or aug­men­ted rea­li­ty (AR) could increase the inter­ac­ti­vi­ty and attrac­ti­ve­ness of prin­ted leaf­lets con­sider­a­b­ly. QR codes pro­vi­de cus­to­mers with direct access to fur­ther details about the pro­ducts, offers or spe­cial deals, as they con­nect the prin­ted leaf­let with online envi­ron­ment. Thanks to aug­men­ted rea­li­ty, the con­su­mers can exami­ne the 3D models of pro­ducts and their inte­rest grows, they are drawn in.

Moreo­ver, the QR code tech­no­lo­gy also faci­li­ta­tes cam­paign moni­to­ring and effec­ti­ve­ness assess­ment, mar­ke­ting spe­cia­lists can coll­ect data about cus­to­mers’ beha­viour and pre­fe­ren­ces via the imple­men­ted QR codes. Thanks to such data, the effec­ti­ve­ness can be ana­ly­zed and data opti­mi­zed on the go. Modern and sus­tainable approach to mar­ke­ting favours the inte­gra­ti­on of digi­tal ele­ments into prin­ted leaf­lets and enga­ge cus­to­mers with attrac­ti­ve and per­so­na­li­zed content.

It should be noted, howe­ver, that the­se stra­te­gies are not used in lar­ge sca­le at the moment and only a few of our cli­ents deci­ded to imple­ment them. But they defi­ni­te­ly bene­fit from the­se high­ly effec­ti­ve mar­ke­ting activities.

Are there any regional differences when it comes to the acceptance of leaflets or distribution strategies that the businesses should take into consideration when planning national campaigns?

Yes, the dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween the regi­ons in the Czech repu­blic are evi­dent when it comes to leaf­let accep­tance. Ther­er­fo­re, when a natio­nal cam­paign is being plan­ned, it is important to con­sider them. For illus­tra­ti­on, in Pra­gue and Cen­tral Bohe­mia, the digi­tal adver­ti­se­ment for­mats are wel­co­me more then else­whe­re and con­su­mers in other regi­ons gene­ral­ly pre­fer prin­ted leaf­lets. Prin­ted leaf­lets are popu­lar in small towns and in the coun­try, whe­re peo­p­le tend to pre­fer tra­di­tio­nal media.

Yet, busi­ness­men should aim their leaf­let cam­paigns to lar­ger cities as well. In visu­al and adver­ti­se­ment smog that is typi­cal of lar­ge cities, a prin­ted leaf­let might be an effec­ti­ve tool to cap­tu­re peo­p­les’ atten­ti­on. As a for­mat, leaf­let is not that inva­si­ve and is rather prac­ti­cal, intel­li­gi­ble and well-orga­ni­zed, moreo­ver, it is deli­ver­ed direct­ly to the customer.

Busi­ness­men who are plan­ning to launch a natio­nal cam­paign should ana­ly­ze a num­ber of fac­tors before­hand and adjust the dis­tri­bu­ti­on stra­te­gies, so the cam­paign meets their needs.

Executive Summary (Deutsch)

Das Inter­view beleuch­tet zen­tra­le Ent­wick­lun­gen im tsche­chi­schen Markt für Prospektverteilung:

1. Geplan­te Papier­steu­er:
Die Recy­cling­ge­bühr für Pro­spek­te könn­te stei­gen­de Kos­ten und eine Redu­zie­rung der Druck­auf­la­gen bewir­ken. Dies wür­de ins­be­son­de­re älte­re und wirt­schaft­lich schwä­che­re Ziel­grup­pen betref­fen, die gedruck­te Pro­spek­te bevorzugen.

2. Zukünf­ti­ge Her­aus­for­de­run­gen:
Mar­ke­ting­ex­per­ten müs­sen sich stär­ker auf prä­zi­ses Tar­ge­ting und Kos­ten­ef­fi­zi­enz kon­zen­trie­ren. Geo­mar­ke­ting wird unver­zicht­bar, um Streu­ver­lus­te zu mini­mie­ren und Bud­gets opti­mal einzusetzen.

3. Inno­va­tio­nen im Fokus:
Čes­ká dis­tri­buční setzt auf Opti­mie­run­gen wie zen­tra­le Abla­ge­or­te für Pro­spek­te in Mehr­fa­mi­li­en­häu­sern und inte­griert zuneh­mend digi­ta­le Tech­no­lo­gien wie QR-Codes, um gedruck­te Wer­bung inter­ak­ti­ver und mess­ba­rer zu machen.

4. Regio­na­le Unter­schie­de:
Wäh­rend in urba­nen Regio­nen wie Prag digi­ta­le For­ma­te bevor­zugt wer­den, blei­ben gedruck­te Pro­spek­te in länd­li­chen Gebie­ten und Klein­städ­ten das bevor­zug­te Medium.

5. Hybri­de Mar­ke­ting­stra­te­gien:
Eine Kom­bi­na­ti­on aus Print‑, Digi­tal- und klas­si­schen Medi­en bie­tet gro­ße Chan­cen für ziel­ge­rich­te­te, nach­hal­ti­ge Kam­pa­gnen, die sich an aktu­el­len Kun­den­be­dürf­nis­sen orientieren.

Gedruck­te Wer­be­ma­te­ria­li­en wer­den in Tsche­chi­en wei­ter­hin eine wich­ti­ge Rol­le spie­len und dank inno­va­ti­ver Ansät­ze einen wert­vol­len Bei­trag zu erfolg­rei­chen Kam­pa­gnen im Bereich Ange­bots­kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on für den Han­del spie­len können.

Prospega - Blog - Angebotskommunikation in Tschechien - Prospekte
Aus­wahl von Pro­spek­ten, die 2024 in tsche­chi­schen Brief­käs­ten zu fin­den waren.